Gebruikers-recensie: concert Placebo-actie in Ahoy

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PLACEBO – Battle For The Sun

We’ll get our energy from the sun,
Our faith is unknown,
If anyone gets trough to me
If anyone gives truth to me…
Then it could heal my ashtray heart….

We could get out of these dark days of meds, even tough it has been beautiful, sad and somewhere even meaningless
Our lifes cannot be lived this way,
We have got to improve and escape today,
Some partnerships will fade,
some new ones will be made...
but this time
without the same old hate.

New people to meet,
Old people to say farewell to
A new hope, A new View,
A new tomorrow.
If I could fight for this new light, I would fight
If I could be ready for the morning, It could come

I will battle for the sun, and I,I,
I won’t stop untill I’m done

Whenever that may be,
Whenever we’ll be gone
For what it’s worth...
Placebo has been born again

And it will have the same effect,
when history and future collides,
The fans can be satisfied,

And will follow you once again….
And build a new tomorrow, today.
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