concert: Zvov Sensory Tour in City Art Rotterdam op ZONDAG 30 OKTOBER 2016

30 OKT
ZVOV SENSORY TOUR 16:00 uur City Art Rotterdam, Rotterdam
Toegang €10.-

Concert heeft al plaatsgevonden

Let op! Dit concert vond plaats op zondag 30 oktober 2016.
Dat is 2750 dagen geleden.


Welcome to the Zvov Sensory Tour of the Netherlands! With the help of artist Chris Ripken and our crowdfunding campaign, we bring this immersive experience to the gallery City Art Rotterdam.
ONE SHOW at City Art Rotterdam:
*Each performance is limited to 12-15 audience members
So hurry up and book your tickets NOW!

“By shutting down one of our senses, the brain starts to replace the impulses with imagination and becomes more alert to other senses. This performance invites the audience to enter a space of imagined reality, led by sounds and sensory experiences. You’re welcome to come unprepared.”

Hope to ‘sense’ you there!
Zvov Team
Maya Felixbrodt, Clara Riviere, Shaya Feldman, Yvonne Freckmann, and Iro Karampampa