Gebruikers-recensie: concert And Also the Trees in Het Kasteel

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And Also The Trees - Het Kasteel, Alphen aan den Rijn

The Kasteel is a concert venue at a main road in Alphen - a small town located in midth of the green and blue Polder Landscape of South-Holland.

After an intro with very slow piano music, the trees opened with the first track of their new album Domed - It was really intense. The crescendo in the end is awesome and makes it fit perfectly as an opener.

The second song was one of their classical masterpieces Shaletown ... live even much more intense than that on record. I felt time warped to the 80ties.

Then they played a mixed set including their classic Scarlet Arch - and Slow Pulse Boy starting with a long semistatic intro ... during which Simon the singer - was absent from the stage ... and after the long intro the song started (like an explosion after a long silence) with the fitting vocals of Simon ... Somewhere the blast furnace explodes ...
At the end of the song instruments remained silent Simon spoke the last line of the final lyrics.

Another great song was beautiful silence from the new album - which - as I found - had some for the trees rather unusual light-hearted mood.

After the main concert they came back to perform Rive Droite - one of the most intense and epic songs from the new album. A story about the night and strange things seen by the story-teller at night ... and a romantic ending.

Riding with the bus back through the night-darkened polders of Holland and listening to the new CD, I thought that dark landscapes can have much beauty ...
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