The Hitchhikers

Uit: Utrecht - Nederland

The Hitchhikers, named after one of Jim Morrison's poems, was formed in 1996 by two old school friends who shared the same passion: their love for The Doors music. Danny (vocals) and Dennis (keys) asked themselves 'Why not find other musicians and start a Doors tribute band?'. Well, they did and a new Doors tribute band was born.

After some years of succes in which we played i.e. Nighttown, Heineken Blues Battle and Trailerpop, we all decided to go our own way and disband the Hitchhikers. We were just at the age of 17! Besides The Hitchhikers, some of us had different side projects with other bands and musicians.

Then, after 9 years, two former Hitchhikers crossed each other on the streets. We got in touch with each other more and more and plans for a reunion arose. Well, we did!

From now one The Hitchhikers sound better than ever!


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